Lena Baptist Church was founded in the belief that Christ came to teach, to minister, to heal, to forgive and above all, to love . Our work is founded on the following five pillars of faith:
Find out more about some of our people and the history of Lena Baptist Church.
Office 937.368.3879
Fax 937.368.5040
P.O. Box 368 Conover, Ohio 45317-0368
Mondays: Church Closed
Tuesdays: Individual Leadership Teams meet Tuesday evenings at 7pm
Wednesdays: "New Life Connections"
' Common Grounds' Small Group meets at 3pm,
K2 Men's Group meets the 1st and 3rd Wed. at 6:30 pm; L.I.F.T. Ladies Group meets the 2nd and 4th Wed. at 6:30pm
Thursdays: Open Office hours
Sunday School: All Classes begin at 9:30am
Sunday Worship: 10:30am
Regular Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9am-4pm
NOTE: Meetings sugject to change and some may be available virtually. Call the Church for additional information.
Lena Baptist Church
8050 N. Church St.
Conover, Ohio 45317
Phone: (937) 368-3879
Fax: (937) 368-5040
E-mail: pastor@lenabaptist.com